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            Project 'THE CRAFTS  AND HOUSE-CHORES OF ANCIENT LITHUANIAN VILLAGE'' would be first Youth Exchange of Gymnasium of Kybartai, where the main objective would be to gather young people from France, Germany, Hungary and Romania and to present a very important part of Lithuanian culture: our cherished crafts as well as  the  daily house chores ( weaving,  spinning, churning up butter, making candles, baking bread, smith's work in old Lithuanian way) and by this develop our long-term cooperation. During seven days project our planned activities (presentation of ancient Lithuanian crafts) would take place in the ethnographic part of Lithuania Suvalkija (Vilkaviškis reagion), in the XIX century Palace and in the craftsmen workshops. During this presentation participants would have an opportunity not only to observe these crafts, but also be involved into these activities, such as weaving, spinning, baking bread, smith's work, etc.). We also intend to organise cultural visits in the reagion, discussions, presentation parties, meetings with local artists and talented young people with disabilities. The closing party of the project partners together with hosts would hold an exhibition open to the public of  Kybartai. During the party each project member country would present their own ethnic customs and traditions (games, rounds, songs and other genres of folk culture) as their country's visitor's card in live presentation. The hosts would treat to ancient Lithuanian national cuisine dishes.

          All project members will get familiar with ethnic Lithuanian culture values, the crafts that are at the verge of extinction, house-chores and customs. We also expect them to be involved in the intercultural dialogue, informal learning activities, to foster social communication skills and awareness mixed with respect to European cultural diversity values. During cultural workshops the project participants would acquire skills of ancient village house-chores, become aware of the fundamental value -hard work as the cornerstone of nation's culture values, would acquire cooperation and co-working skills and would have the feeling of pride in common European culture.